
Constitution of the Japanese Society for Zooarchaeology


Article 1 The name of the Society shall be the Japanese Society for Zooarchaeology.


Article 2 The purpose of the Society shall be to contribute to the development, education, and dissemination of zooarchaeology by promoting the elucidation of various issues related to zooarchaeology and related fields, and by encouraging mutual exchange among members.


Article 3 The Society shall carry out the following activities to achieve the above objectives.

  1. To publish a journal and other publications.
  2. To hold research meetings.
  3. To communicate and interact with domestic and foreign academic organizations.
  4. Conduct other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society.


Article 4 Members shall be those who agree with the objectives of the Society and have paid the prescribed membership fee. Members shall be regular members (general members and student members), group members, and supporting members.

  1. Regular members consist of general members and student members, who are individuals who agree with the purpose of the Society. Student members are students, graduate students, research students, etc. enrolled in universities, etc.
  2. Group members are institutions, corporations, companies, and other organizations that subscribe to the journal.
  3. Supporting members are companies and other legal entities that support the objectives of the Society.

Members have the following rights.

  1. Attend general meetings and participate in voting.
  2. The right to make contributions to the journal and to make presentations at meetings for the purpose of presenting research.
  3. The right to receive the distribution of the journal.
  4. The right to participate in various activities organized by the Society.

Article 6 The membership fee shall be paid in advance. The amount of the membership fee shall be stipulated in the By-Laws.

Article 7 When a member is in arrears for more than one year, the sending of the journal shall be suspended, and the exercise of the member’s rights shall be suspended.

  1. A member who has been in arrears of dues for three years or more shall be deemed to have resigned membership upon giving notice. If he/she wishes to reapply for membership, he/she must pay all past-due dues for the past year in full.
  2. The General Assembly may expel a member who has committed an act unbecoming to the Society by a resolution of the General Assembly. If a former member who has been expelled wishes to rejoin the Society, he/she must be approved by the General Assembly.


Article 8 The officers of the Executive Board shall consist of the president, secretary, and chairpersons of each committee. The officers shall constitute the Executive Board and manage the Society.

Article 9 The President shall represent the Society and manage the affairs of the Society. The Vice President shall assist the President and act for the President in case the latter is unable to perform his/her duties.

Article 10 The Secretaries shall be the General Secretary, Treasurer, Business Secretary, Public Relations Secretary, External Relations Secretary, and other Secretaries as deemed necessary by the President.

Article 11 The committees shall be the Editorial Board and other committees deemed necessary by the President.

Article 12 The President shall be elected from among the regular members in accordance with the election rules prescribed separately. The Vice-President, Secretary, and chairmen of the committees shall be elected by the President from among the regular members and shall report to the General Assembly. The chairperson of each committee shall recommend the members of the committee to the President, who shall appoint the members of the committee.

Article 13 The term of office of each officer shall be two years, and no officer may serve three consecutive terms.

  1. When an officer becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties, his/her successor shall be promptly elected in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution. However, the term of office of the elected successor shall be the remaining term of his/her predecessor.


Article 14 The General Assembly, consisting of regular members, shall be the supreme voting body of the Society. The President shall convene the General Assembly once a year.

  1. The President shall convene an extraordinary General Assembly in the following cases
  1. When the President deems it necessary
  2. when one-fourth or more of the members request it by presenting an agenda.

Article 15 The General Assembly shall deliberate on the following matters.

  1. Business report and accounting settlement for the previous year
  2. Business plan and budget for the current year
  3. Amendments to the Constitution
  4. Other important matters concerning the management of the Society.

Other important matters concerning the management of the Society.


Article 17 Expenses of the Society shall be covered by membership fees, business income, donations, and other income.

Article 18 The fiscal year shall, in principle, begin on April 1 and end on March 31 of each year.

Article 19 The President shall report the settlement of income and expenditure during the fiscal year to the next General Assembly for its approval.

Article 20 The Society shall have one accounting auditor. The auditor shall be elected by the General Assembly from among the regular members. The president, secretary, and chairpersons of the committees cannot be reappointed. The term of office shall be two years, and reappointment is not precluded.

Amendments to the Constitution

Article 21 Amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority vote of those present at the General Assembly.

Supplementary Provision 1: The Secretariat of the Society shall be located at an address determined by the President.

Supplementary Provision 2: The annual membership fee shall be 5,000 yen for general members, 3,000 yen for student members, 10,000 yen for group members, and 20,000 yen per unit for supporting members, with a minimum of one unit.

Supplementary Provision 3: This constitution shall come into effect on June 15, 2019.